Does anyone enjoy paying taxes?
While we’ve yet to meet anyone who does, we have met a number of clients who’ve told us they’re thrilled to have discovered RJL Accounting & Tax for their tax preparation. The insight we share while preparing their taxes represents an eye-opening education in how to save money.
“I have never been in better hands with my taxes than this year. I am so glad I made the choice to switch to RJL Business Services. I learned so many money saving tips that no other tax professional has shared!
Thank you so much; see you next year.”

RJL Business Services 10th Anniversary
Why let RJL Accounting & Tax prepare your taxes?
Every one of our tax accountants is skilled in the details and frequently changing tax laws. Secretly, they’re thrilled to get positive feedback. They love saving businesses money on taxes!
What is it like to work with RJL?
Before reviewing your notes, records and receipts, our tax accountants will ask you to complete a questionnaire and will have an initial conversation. this provides an understanding of your needs, questions, expectations and priorities. Amazingly, it’s still a surprise to us when new clients reveal that their former tax preparer never spoke with them!
How often does RJL communicate about taxes?
While the big focus on tax preparation may happen annually for you, for us it’s all year. Staying in touch with you throughout the year and providing tax advice is what we do. Moreover there are tax implications to all your business decisions.
Perhaps your business needs:
- To make a sizable purchase
- Sell some equipment
- Invest in infrastructure
- Needs to make a charitable donation.
Year-end taxes should never be a surprise!
Being prepared for all tax implications of business decisions is why you hire us.
Finally, we understand that your personal and business success is priority. They lead to decisions that have a big impact on your tax planning strategy.
- Is it time to shift from a single member LLC?
- Is it time to plan a trust?
- What about a corporate giving plan?
- Should I set up the new division to my business as a separate entity?
Am I expected to know these answers?
While you may not know the answers to these questions, your tax accountant on our team does. They will provide input and options that will lead to wise decisions. When the accountant who prepares your taxes is in touch with you year all year, your plan stays on track.
Whether you need a comprehensive view of taxes for your personal or business reporting, you’ll get an accurate and thorough review from our tax accountants. Your best bet is to schedule a no-obligation conversation with one of us today.
Who knows? We may even share a surprise money-saving tip!
Interim CFO & Business Consulting
We provide a high-level financial review. Resulting in sound financial advice, internal financial statements, variance analysis, budgeting, cash flow, company performance measures, and assistance in procuring debt or equity financing. Our business consulting is spot on.